Sunday, February 10, 2013

This American tradition has got to go!!!!!

Most american traditions are easy to follow and are fun to experience. Take sporting events for example. whether you team wins or loses, its still a great experiences. Almost all traditions Americans follow today are tolerable. but there is one STUPID and down right OUTRAGEOUS tradition people follow. Now i have experienced this tradition before and i don't why people get so excited when it comes around.\

That tradition is...... Black Friday. that has got to be the dumbest tradition people do these days. Who in their right mind sits for hour upon hours on end just to get good deals. i mean for crips sake go on amazon, it will save you exhaustion and you'll stay warm!

Not to mention you'll be out of harms way. every year there seems to be a death or a trampling of some sort. Sometimes a murder over a stupid T.V. i mean you know you have issues when your killing for merchandise! i mean save your self from freezing your buns or a date night with a very sharp blade and a pissed off person looking for the T.V. you have in your cart.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Want to know what really grinds my gears!?

The thing that grinds my gears most is when people in the hall ways walk so slow, or stop to talk to friends right in the middle of the hall way. i mean come on people keep on moving or your getting a swift kick in the butt!!

We all know the hallways are busy enough without people taking their sweet time! some people like to get going so please get way over and GET OUT OF THE WAY! i will run you over. and thats a promise!

The other thing that really grinds my gears is when people say a sports team is their favorite team but they dont know more than two players from the team. you obviously dont know squat about that team if thats all you know. if its truely your favorite team you should know almost every player on the team!