Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Who's the best actor?

When i was told about this blog i had no clue who i was going to write about. I don't really know actors very well, i just like watching the movie. After looking for a little bit i came to the conclusion that my favorite actor is Heath Ledger.

Heath plays major roles in two of my favorite movies of all time. The first being The Patriot, He played the son of Benjamin Martin (Mel Gibson). He joins the Rebels and fights against the British. He plays a very important role in the story line. SPOILER ALERT! He is later killed on in the movie in an epic sword fight.

Another big role he plays and is probably the most famous for is the role of the Joker in The Dark Knight. Heath Ledger is fantastic as the joker. He definitely made this movie, For example the scene where the joker blows up the hospital was suppose to be one big explosion, but the explosives malfunctioned. That didn't seem to matter to Heath because he stayed in character and created one of the best scenes in the movie. Choosing Heath to play the role of the Joker was the best decision Christopher Nolan made.

Sadly Heath Ledger was found dead on January 22nd 2008 with prescription pills near by. He died from an accidental drug overdose including pain killers, sleeping pills, and anti- anxiety pills. Critics say he was taking these because he became scared of himself as the joker. maybe it's true and maybe not. Either way Heath Ledger will always be remembered as the Joker.

An actor/ actress or character you can't stand

I can't choose just one person for this category so i'm going to choose a group of people that i absolutely can't stand and think their show should be cancelled forever and they should be shunned from society and that group is the cast from Jersey Shore.

Although i have to give some credited to the guys for being jacked out of there mind and to the girls for being pretty HOTT! (beside snooki), with rocking bodies and large chests the girls aren't afraid to show anything and strut their stuff. but that's beside the point.

Just because the guys
are jacked doesn't mean they have to be complete douche bags to other people and their girl friends. They treat the girls they date like absolute s***, that's not right. All the guys on that show are self centered and all they care about is getting laid and their looks. Although it is my dream to someday be as jacked as these guys just not be be an inconsiderate, self centered douche.

Now on to the ladies, The definition of the girls on jersey shore is DRAMA QUEENS. In every episode that i have saw at least one of the girls are crying over something stupid or fighting another girl over something even more stupid. All these girls know is partying and strutting their stuff. These 4 girls have the attention span of a gold fish and have a combined IQ score of 10. The stuff they do on this show is just down right DUMB.

The only thing this group of partying going nitwits know is "T-Shirt time" said by Pauly D. they say this everytime before they go party, this means its time to put on the party t-shirt. The other saying these bozos say is "GTL" this is their way of life pretty much. It means Gym, Tan, and Laundry. When they aren't partying this is what they are doing.

My life 20 years from today!?

Well 20 years from today i will be 38 years old... WOW that's weird to think about. hopefully my life will be on track and going in the right direction. this is what i hope to be doing in 20 years

First of all i hope i have a job somewhere in Law enforcement. preferably a K-9 unit or somewhere in the government.
That's what i am going to college next year for up in Alexandria. I plan on moving out of state sometime early out of college so i can find a job a lot easier and just to get out of Minnesota for awhile. I'm hoping for somewhere in Montana or Wyoming. I have never been there but i know people out there and they always talk about how beautiful it is out there.

Maybe my future wife ;)
Possibly by the time i'm 38 i will be thinking or already have moved back to Minnesota, and have settled down with a BEAUTIFUL wife and will have kids. My main goal when i have kids is to be a great father. My father figure wasn't/isn't the greatest but i still love my father but i want to be there for my kids. One thing i'd love to do is coach football either for a high school team or my sons team.... if i have a son.

Or maybe none of this will happen and i'll have my own hunting show. Ever since i was a little tike i watched hunting shows and i have Always told myself i'm going to have one of these someday. so far i am on the right track for this. i guide younger kids and my moms boyfriend on hunts. i also Go Pro (an indestructible video camera) all my hunts now. I act like i have a million viewers while talking to the camera. i inform the viewers of all the things i think they need to know. maybe this idea will come later in life and this will be my hobby after i retire. i could be a cop for 30 years retire and then have my own hunting show with the H20 Fowl thugs and the Gobbler Assassins. Maybe we will even be aired on the Pursuit Channel.

One thing i could redo in life?.... It's Obvious!

When my teacher told me this was our blog topic for the week only one thing came to my mind....Football. Football was by far my most favorite sport i played in high school. It's the one sport where you can full out crush the guys you have issues with. 

Jonny Wags crushes LCWM Quarterback
during the homecoming Victory

If on one play you got absolutely wrecked, you have another chance to go back and redeem yourself and knock his lights out. The best feeling was getting that huge hit that affects the whole teams attitude in the game. that one hit can be a game changer and can turn the tides in a game. That's why the game of football is so great, one play can change the whole out come of the game.

This year in football was my best year of high school football. we moved up classes and no one, not even some alumni or team members thought we would do very well...... We Proved that to be wrong. how ever we lost our first game to our rivals B.A. (Bethlehem Academy) in over time but that only made us stronger. in the next game we came back from an 18 point deficit to get the W. and it all went great from there.
This year we had the best group of seniors i have seen in along time, not only were we leaders on the field but also off the field. In the halls during school, or whenever we saw each other it was football this, football that. Our running back hunter Clayton (spanky) broke the schools record for rushing yards. Spanky rushed for 1,002 yards. Linebacker Jacob Vaupel (vops) led the team with sacks and tied for 2nd in the state with 18 sacks. both these boys were seniors. we graduate 14 seniors this year. i will never forget these boys and would give anything just to have one last game or practice with them. 
"You don't have the guts"