Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Who's the best actor?

When i was told about this blog i had no clue who i was going to write about. I don't really know actors very well, i just like watching the movie. After looking for a little bit i came to the conclusion that my favorite actor is Heath Ledger.

Heath plays major roles in two of my favorite movies of all time. The first being The Patriot, He played the son of Benjamin Martin (Mel Gibson). He joins the Rebels and fights against the British. He plays a very important role in the story line. SPOILER ALERT! He is later killed on in the movie in an epic sword fight.

Another big role he plays and is probably the most famous for is the role of the Joker in The Dark Knight. Heath Ledger is fantastic as the joker. He definitely made this movie, For example the scene where the joker blows up the hospital was suppose to be one big explosion, but the explosives malfunctioned. That didn't seem to matter to Heath because he stayed in character and created one of the best scenes in the movie. Choosing Heath to play the role of the Joker was the best decision Christopher Nolan made.

Sadly Heath Ledger was found dead on January 22nd 2008 with prescription pills near by. He died from an accidental drug overdose including pain killers, sleeping pills, and anti- anxiety pills. Critics say he was taking these because he became scared of himself as the joker. maybe it's true and maybe not. Either way Heath Ledger will always be remembered as the Joker.

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